all postcodes in AB31 / BANCHORY

find any address or company within the AB31 postcode district

Postcode Area

AB / Aberdeen

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
AB31 6BA 8 1 57.072296 -2.308484
AB31 6BB 3 0 57.067347 -2.32594
AB31 6BD 18 0 57.061905 -2.332323
AB31 6BE 3 0 57.053579 -2.348123
AB31 6BF 19 0 57.056264 -2.342082
AB31 6BG 6 0 57.05582 -2.374637
AB31 6BH 18 1 57.052053 -2.350911
AB31 6BJ 4 0 57.05965 -2.355204
AB31 6BL 14 0 57.062622 -2.352495
AB31 6BN 5 0 57.058067 -2.368246
AB31 6BP 3 1 57.055257 -2.374967
AB31 6BQ 12 0 57.055977 -2.376353
AB31 6BR 1 0 57.053287 -2.380496
AB31 6BS 2 0 57.050665 -2.387514
AB31 6BT 2 0 57.044522 -2.389972
AB31 6BU 5 0 57.041845 -2.400007
AB31 6BW 11 0 57.053262 -2.349274
AB31 6BX 7 1 57.038321 -2.413174
AB31 6BY 1 0 57.035987 -2.408726
AB31 6DA 3 0 57.031091 -2.403186